Battlestar Galactica Wiki
Battlestar Galactica Wiki
Battlestar Galactica 2004 Continuity
Battlestar Galactica 2004, Caprica and Blood & Chrome

"Imperial" Virgon is a temperate planet in the Cyrannus Star System, orbiting Helios Beta. It was the second largest of the habitable planets, smaller only than Leonis. It is named after the Virgo tribe who resided on Kobol, though its citizens may not have been affiliated with that tribe.


Following the conclusion of the Gemenese dark age and humanity's reinvention of space flight,[2] Virgon was for a time one of the dominant powers in the star system, and formed the Virgon Empire which set up colonies on Libran; Picon; Sagittaron; Scorpia; Tauron, and Troy. The empire began a long decline approximately 850 years prior to the Cylon War, after a devastating war with the rival Leonese empire.

At the start of the war, Virgon took part in establishing the United Colonies of Kobol by signing the Articles of Colonization. Presumably, with the other Twelve Worlds, Virgon maintained its planetary government, which consisted of the Virgonese royal family as heads-of-state. During the Fall of the Twelve Colonies, Virgon was bombarded by Cylon Basestars. Admiral Nagala took personal command of the Colonial Fleet and led a counteroffensive over Virgon. However, due to CNP hacking, the fleet was disabled and destroyed in orbit.[3]


  • In the star system map created for Season 1, Virgon shares an orbit with Caprica and Aquaria, with Virgon being on Caprica's L5 Lagrange point



  1. Battlestar Galactica 2004, licensed product: "Battlestar Galactica Map of The 12 Colonies".
  2. RON MOORE BLOG (January 30, 2005). Archived from the original on Jun 12 2008. Retrieved on 2018-05-10.
  3. Battlestar Galactica: The Miniseries, Night 1.
United Colonies of Kobol
Helios Alpha Icarus · Picon · Caprica · Gemenon · Tauron (Minos) · Zeus (Hebe · Nike)
Helios Beta Troy · Pallas · Leonis · Virgon (Hibernia) · Ouranos asteroid belt · Pallas · Hera (Euboea · Iris)
Helios Gamma Thanatos · Acheron asteroid belt · Ophion · Libran (Pandrossos · Herse) · Scorpia (Scorpion Fleet Shipyards) · Sagittaron
Helios Delta Phoebe · Aeolus asteroid belt · Aerilon · Canceron · Hestia (Kronos · Rhea) · Aquaria · Styx
Other Planets Djerba · Ragnar (Sigurd) · Marathon · "Ambrosia Planet"