Battlestar Galactica Wiki
Battlestar Galactica Wiki
Battlestar Galactica 2004 Continuity
Battlestar Galactica 2004, Caprica and Blood & Chrome

"Playground of the Colonies" Scorpia is a planet in the Cyrannus star system, and one of the Twelve Colonies of Kobol, orbiting Helios Gamma. It is named after the Scorpio tribe who resided on Kobol, though its citizens may not have been affiliated with that tribe. The planet was known for its ring system, created by a broken-up moon some 100,000 years before the planet was settled.[1]


Scorpia's foundations are unknown, but like the other planets in the Helios Gamma system, it became a battleground in the colonial proxy wars between Virgon and Leonis, two Helios Beta planets that possessed planetary empires. These imperial conflicts ended sometime around the 200 BCH, and the colonies became more welcoming of interplanetary travel. In regards to culture, Scorpians placed a great deal on religious toleration and family orientation, with Dionysus as their patron god. By the time of the Fall of the Twelve Colonies, Scorpia had reached a population of 450 million.


Before the Fall, Scorpia was a verdant jungle world, noted for its dense foliage; the towering Guardian Mountains, and the tropical Argentum Bay.


Using the planet's rings, Scorpia's industry was geared towards mineral extraction and the construction of ships in orbital yards. Scorpion Fleet Shipyards were a major builder for the Colonial Fleet during the Firct Cylon War. This industry survived the war and was finally destroyed in 0 BCH during the Fall of the Colonies.

On the planet itself, Scorpia also had a large tourism sector due to its environment and became a popular vacation resort in the 200 years of colonial stability before the Cylon War.[1] It was known in the Twelve Worlds for two major cities, Celeste and Argentum, of which Celeste was also the planet's Capital.



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Battlestar Galactica 2004, licensed product: "Battlestar Galactica Map of The 12 Colonies".
United Colonies of Kobol
Helios Alpha Icarus · Picon · Caprica · Gemenon · Tauron (Minos) · Zeus (Hebe · Nike)
Helios Beta Troy · Pallas · Leonis · Virgon (Hibernia) · Ouranos asteroid belt · Pallas · Hera (Euboea · Iris)
Helios Gamma Thanatos · Acheron asteroid belt · Ophion · Libran (Pandrossos · Herse) · Scorpia (Scorpion Fleet Shipyards) · Sagittaron
Helios Delta Phoebe · Aeolus asteroid belt · Aerilon · Canceron · Hestia (Kronos · Rhea) · Aquaria · Styx
Other Planets Djerba · Ragnar (Sigurd) · Marathon · "Ambrosia Planet"