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Battlestar Galactica 2004 Continuity
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Polytheism was a religion that thrived in the Twelve Worlds, originating from Kobol. Polytheists believed in many deities ranging in prominence and representing various aspects of human life.[1]

Aspects of the Faith[]

The individuals within the pantheon are called the "Lords of Kobol". Among these are Zeus, Aphrodite, Ares, and others. The colonists believed that the Lords ruled ancestral tribes on Kobol and delivered them to the Twelve Colonies over two thousand years ago. They also believe that service to the gods is rewarded with eternal salvation.

Faith in the gods touches every part of Colonial life. Nearly everyone prays to the Lords for guidance and support. Children are dedicated to one or two of the Lords at birth. Those gods are said to influence the child's talents, personality, and success. Services call upon the gods to lead the spirits of the dead from darkness and grant them immortality. Religion is also central to colonial politics. Priests swear officials into office and serve as advisors. Prayers are part of debates and voting. The clergy is a bonafide government body and, to some degree, influences all the others.

Colonial faith is communal. Temples exist on every ship. Some are specific to certain Lords or beliefs. Others are open to all. Visitors can pray alone, but the group is always there. Examples of the community are everywhere. Faith groups shepherd each other through the pain of the colonies' destruction. Before facing their enemies, soldiers break a salt line and pray together. Even the ultimate expression of faith is communal: "So say we all."

Two types of clergy tend to be believers. Priests are the Lords' foot soldiers. They keep temples, perform services, and care for the faithful. Oracles perform all functions of priests, but most believe they're something more. They've given themselves to the gods and claim to receive many gifts in return. They sometimes take chamalla, an extract of a bitter-tasting root extract of a hallucinogenic plan.[2] Nonbelievers often dismissed the visions following the consumption as simple hallucinations.


  1. Battlestar Galactica 2004, episode: "Miniseries, Night I".
  2. Battlestar Galactica 2004, episode: "Fragged".
Deities & Supernatural Beings
Polytheism Primordials Uranus · Selene · Helios · Gaia · Pontus
Titans Atlas · Aurora · Chronos · Hecate · Prometheus
Olympians Athena · Aphrodite · Apollo · Ares · Artemis · Asclepius · Hades · Hephaestus · Hera · Zeus
Mithraeism Mithras
Monotheism God · Angels