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Monotheism is a form of religion practiced by humans which tells of a single omnipotent and omniscient deity called the One True God. Due to the Messengers' influence in human history, these religions likely worship the same god. Sectarian strife between followers of Monotheist faiths and Polytheist faiths was a common element in the Cycle of Time.


Monotheism is known to have arose on Kobol, either immediately before the Exodus of the Thirteenth Tribe or the Exodus of the Twelve Tribes - perhaps both. Accounts in the Sacred Scrolls state that "one jealous god began to desire that he be elevated above all the other gods, and the war on Kobol began", indicating a holy war.[1] Following the colonisation of the Cyrannus Star System, a number of distinct Monotheist religions developed on various planets.[2] Throughout colonial history, Monotheists represented a minority of the population, which tended towards several Polytheistic faiths, and its followers were often ostracised from mainstream society and seen as zealots and moral fanatics.[3] In spite of its strong Polytheistic history, or arguably because of it,[4] Gemenon itself was home to one of the larger Monotheistic faiths,[5] of which the Soldiers of The One pledged oaths to protect.

Gemenese faith[]

Gemenon's Monotheistic faith was well established by the 20th century, though it is uncertain when it first arose. Monotheists of this faith lived secluded monastic lives in the Gramadas mountain range, and their hierarchy consisted of a group of church elders, above whom was a monk or nun who's commands were seen as the unquestionable word of God's representative.


The core element of Monotheism is that the One True God is all-loving and just (despite his desire for worship to the exclusion of all other deities), and that it has a plan for everyone, follower or otherwise.


Deities & Supernatural Beings
Polytheism Primordials Uranus · Selene · Helios · Gaia · Pontus
Titans Atlas · Aurora · Chronos · Hecate · Prometheus
Olympians Athena · Aphrodite · Apollo · Ares · Artemis · Asclepius · Hades · Hephaestus · Hera · Zeus
Mithraeism Mithras
Monotheism God · Angels