Battlestar Galactica Wiki
Battlestar Galactica Wiki
Battlestar Galactica 2004 Continuity
Battlestar Galactica 2004, Caprica and Blood & Chrome

Mithras was a god worshipped by the people of the Twelve Worlds. His cult was controversial, and believers in the pantheon considered it to be an off-shoot religion rather than an aspect of their own.[1] Mithras worshippers, known as Mithrasaries, were well known for being centred on Gemenon and on Reza Chronides's colony.[1] State-sanctioned persecution of Mithrasaries became a point of concern among the Quorum of Twelve in the weeks following the Battle of the Ionion Nebula, owing to the controversial implementation of Emergency Provision 17 which restricted the Cult of Baltar and could, in theory, have been extended.[1]

Further notes[]

The mention of Mithras sharing traditions with Gaius Baltar's Monotheistic sect in "Escape Velocity" is a reference to the Mithras cult's relationship to early Christianity, which emerged at around the same time with similar rituals.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Battlestar Galactica 2004, episode: "Escape Velocity".
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Mithraeism Mithras
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