Battlestar Galactica Wiki
The Original Series
(Battlestar Galactica 1978 and Galactica 1980)

The IL-Series was a administration unit used by the Cylon Empire. They were usually used to command bases and Basestars. They held a high position in Cylon society, being above Cylon Civilians, Centurions and Command Centurions, but still below the Imperious Leader.


The IL-Series may have been constructed by the Cylon race before the Thousand-Yahren War, and is known to have undergone software improvements over the yahrens.[1] The oldest known IL-Series, Specter, was considered to be "rather limited in ability" in comparison to later iterations of the series, but was still considered more than capable of invading and running a limited garrison on Attila.[1] A later IL-Series, Lucifer, was assigned by the Imperious Leader as the second-in-command of a Basestar led by Count Baltar.[2]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Battlestar Galactica, episode: "The Young Lords".
  2. Battlestar Galactica, episode: "Saga of a Star World".