Battlestar Galactica Wiki
Battlestar Galactica Wiki
Battlestar Galactica Wiki
Battlestar Galactica 2004 Continuity
Battlestar Galactica 2004, Caprica and Blood & Chrome

Graystone Industries was a Caprican computer firm specializing in manufacturing consumer and military products. Among its most well-known products in the Twelve Worlds was the Holoband, and later the Cylon humanoid servants.[1]


The Holoband, which allowed access to V-World was one of the Graystone Industries' most successful civilian products, financing their other endeavors, mainly in the robotic sector. Graystone was the first company to mass-produce, AI-equipped robotic servants, the Cylons, starting with their U-87 prototype.[2]

It is currently unknown what became of this company following the start of the Cylon War, however, its holoband technology is known to survive deep into the war, being used even by the Colonial Fleet for viper simulations and mission briefings.[3]

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  1. Caprica, episode: "Pilot".
  2. Caprica, episode: "Apotheosis".
  3. Battlestar Galactica 2004, movie: "Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome".