Battlestar Galactica Wiki
Battlestar Galactica Wiki
Battlestar Galactica 2004 Continuity
Battlestar Galactica 2004, Caprica and Blood & Chrome

Gemenon, known as "The First Colony" is a planet in the Cyrannus Star System. Its climate is known to be temperate, though more prone to extremes of temperature and climate from region to region world. Gemenon was one of the poorer colonies and was also considered the most religious, with several major centers of religious worship orbiting the star Helios Alpha. It is a close neighbor of Caprica, with which it shares an orbit as a double planet. Following the start of the Cylon War, Gemenon became one of the twelve core worlds in the United Colonies of Kobol.


Gemenon was the first planet in the system settled on by the Kobol refugee convoy. In the aftermath of their arrival, the colonists endured a technological dark age where computer information access was lost and all information became passed on written paper. As consequence, basic information such as why the colonists left was interpreted over the next two thousand years as a religious document and taught by priests.[2]


Gemenon is known for the Gramadas, a vast mountain range that can be seen from space.[3]



  1. Battlestar Galactica 2004, licensed product: "Battlestar Galactica Map of The 12 Colonies".
  2. RON MOORE BLOG (January 30, 2005). Archived from the original on Jun 12 2008. Retrieved on 2018-05-10.
  3. The Caprican, "Chatting with Holly Legrand on the Set of 'One'".
United Colonies of Kobol
Helios Alpha Icarus · Picon · Caprica · Gemenon · Tauron (Minos) · Zeus (Hebe · Nike)
Helios Beta Troy · Pallas · Leonis · Virgon (Hibernia) · Ouranos asteroid belt · Pallas · Hera (Euboea · Iris)
Helios Gamma Thanatos · Acheron asteroid belt · Ophion · Libran (Pandrossos · Herse) · Scorpia (Scorpion Fleet Shipyards) · Sagittaron
Helios Delta Phoebe · Aeolus asteroid belt · Aerilon · Canceron · Hestia (Kronos · Rhea) · Aquaria · Styx
Other Planets Djerba · Ragnar (Sigurd) · Marathon · "Ambrosia Planet"