Battlestar Galactica Wiki
Battlestar Galactica Wiki
Battlestar Galactica Wiki
Battlestar Galactica 2004 Continuity
Battlestar Galactica 2004, Caprica and Blood & Chrome

John Cavil, otherwise known as "Galactica Cavil‏", was a Number One model Humanoid Cylon. During the Fall of the Twelve Colonies, he was evacuated from the ruins of Picon and set up a religious office on Galactica.[1]


On the eve of the Cylon attack, Galactica-Cavil met with Caprica-Cavil on board a Resurrection Ship assigned to the operation. Within a secret chamber, they observed clone bodies of Saul and Ellen Tigh, Galen Tyrol, Samuel T. Anders and Tory Foster, the so-called "Final Five" survivors of the Thirteenth Tribe that had created the Humanoid Cylons. Enamored by Ellen, Cavil made the decision to meet the clone's living predecessor on Picon where her location had been determined. Finding her at a bar in Queenstown, Cavil used his model's impersonation of a Priest to talk with her about morality. Disappointed to find she had a carefree life with no regrets, Cavil decided to save her life when the city was destroyed by a 50mt nuclear warhead, helping her into an SAR Raptor in the belief she should suffer before their inevitable death. Unexpectedly, the Raptor delivered the two to Rising Star, a civilian ship in orbit which soon met with a refugee fleet led by newly appointed President Laura Roslin and defended by Galactica.[1]

With the Cylon forces consistently failing to destroy the fleet over the next week, Cavil left Ellen behind and transferred to Galactica where he was welcomed as a Priest and assigned a billet. From there he gave out flyers which contained a secret codeword for Humanoid Cylons within the fleet, and soon after formed a cell with a Number Two, a Number Five, two Number Sixes and a Number Eight working as a Sleeper Agent.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Battlestar Galactica, episode: "The Plan".