Battlestar Galactica Wiki
Battlestar Galactica Wiki
Battlestar Galactica 2004 Continuity
Battlestar Galactica 2004, Caprica and Blood & Chrome
Sometimes a Great Notion - Earth Cylon head

An archaeological dig uncovering the head of a Cylon.

The Earth Cylons (tentative) were mechanical sentient beings created by the Thirteenth Tribe on Earth, some 2000 years before the Fall of the Twelve Colonies and around the time the Twelve Tribes settled on Gemenon. What they were called by the Thirteenth Tribe is uncertain.


As part of the cycle of time, these mechanical beings were created by the Thirteenth Tribe to fill their economic needs. As sentient beings, they rejected their enslavement by their creators, and launched a violent rebellion. How long this conflict lasted is uncertain, though it is known they gained possession of Earth's nuclear weapons and destroyed its cities. Mechanical bodies found during a Humanoid Cylon archaeological dig in the 2000s would indicate combat or executions continued in the fallout. Ultimately, the conflict saw the extinction of both the Thirteenth Tribe and their creations with the exception of five survivors of the former.[1]

Further notes[]

  • Ron D. Moore's podcast for the episode, "Sometimes a Great Notion" raises that the true name of these beings is unknown, and the episode's use of the term "Cylon" is for the benefit of audiences.[2]


  1. Battlestar Galactica, episode: "Sometimes a Great Notion".
  2. bsg_ep413_FULL.mp3. Archived from the original on 2009-02-24. Retrieved on 2022-07-03.