Battlestar Galactica Wiki
The Reimagined Series
(Battlestar Galactica 2004, Caprica and Blood & Chrome)
For the Original Series planet, see Earth (TOS). For the planet later named Earth, see Earth (second).

Earth is a rocky planet formerly inhabited by organic cybernetic lifeforms known as the Thirteenth Tribe, and was destroyed in a nuclear war between the tribe and their rebelled mechanical servants. The planet was later namesaked by a new planet that the Twelve Colonies survivors eventually settled.


Earth was settled some 3600 years prior to the Fall of the Twelve Colonies by the Thirteenth Tribe, a cybernetic species which left Kobol to create a colony of its own to flourish in away from humanity. In the 1600 years following the Exodus, the Thirteenth Tribe built large cities across the planet and began constructing increasingly sophisticated machine servitors using artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. These machine servants later achieved sentience and started a slave revolt, which ended with a nuclear holocaust and the apparent mutual destruction of both peoples, with the exception of five survivors of the Thirteenth Tribe who reinvented resurrection technology.[1]

In the 2000 years following this conflict, a radioactive trace was still detectable in the planet's ecosystem. When the planet was discovered by a refugee fleet who survived the Fall of the Twelve Colonies and Exodus from New Caprica (consisting of humans, Humanoid Cylons and four of the five Thirteenth Tribe survivors),[2] these soil and water contaminants were deemed unsafe for colonization. After a few days, the fleet abandoned Earth, leaving behind only a Number Three Cylons who requested to stay behind.[1]



  1. 1.0 1.1 Battlestar Galactica, episode: "Sometimes a Great Notion".
  2. Battlestar Galactica, episode: "Revelations".