Battlestar Galactica Vol.4 #4 is a comic published by Dynamite Entertainment.
- "Commander Adama's worst fears have been realized: Galactica has surrendered to a superior power. Now, Captain Apollo's cleverness is all that stands between humanity and its final annihilation. That, and one of Starbuck's wild schemes! New York Times bestselling author and comics writer JOHN JACKSON MILLER (Star Wars, Star Trek, Halo) and Daniel HDR (Red Sonja, Superman) continue their miniseries timed for Battlestar Galactica's 40th anniversary year!"
- —Official synopsis
The Galactica is left alone in the Narrows while the Okaati have taken command of the rest of the Colonial Fleet. Boomer is tracking one of the hijacked ships, but can barely keep up with it thanks to the Harverster ships acting as boosters. Similarly, Sheba is tracking the Gemonese Freighters, Greenbean the Agroship and Bojay is keeping track of the Colonial Movers ship. Several of the ships are heading in multible directions, leaving Adama unsure which one to follow. Athena suggests tracking the Rising Star, as Parrin was aboard the Harvester paired to it. Then the Comitat arrive with several large frigates. Thane Korbok orders Adama to surrender and face judgment aboard his frigate.
Aboard the Rising Star, Grust is sobering up. Tigh, Starbuck, Cassiopeia and other Colonials find themselves trapped their ship. Grust explains that the Colonial engineers aboard the Harvester locket to the Rising Star will have been taken captive the instant Parrin sent her coded command and that the Okaati have done this sort of thing many times before. Jolly is regaining consciousness inside the Harvester. He asks Parrin how the Okaati were able to activate the engines as he oversaw the installation work himself, but Parrin retorts that he only saw what they wanted him to see. She contacts Baltar aboard his Basestar, who is impressed by the swift success of the Okaati. Parrin counters that the fake message Baltar sent to his Cylon outposts helped her to convince the Colonials to trust her completely. Baltar looks forward to seeing the fleet at their rendezvous point at Gehenna Prime. Parrin warns Baltar that if she does not receive the Tylium Tankers she was promised, they will make a run for it and the Cylons won't be able to catch them. After disconnecting their call, Baltar complaints to Lucifer that Parrin is asking for too high a reward and Lucifer informs him that another alien force has captured the Galactica inside the Narrows.
Adama is facing judgment from the Comitat. After Thane Jennad reads the charges, Adama refutes them and demands to know if the Comitat are in league with the Cylons. Thane Korbok admits they did speak with him, and also gained information from another person who is then brought forward: the prisoner Apollo. Adama learns that his son was the one who revealed the Galactica's location to the Comitat. Apollo asks Korbok to show the history of the Comitat to his father. He recounts how the Okaati lost their homeworld to an ecological disaster that devastated their people. They entered the nebula seeking aid, and many were happy to do provide it to them. As the Yahrens past and fuel supplies decreased, some races were less willing to help them, and the Okaati begain taking what they want. The struck many different races, including the Stoquah, the Akabolans and the Zarai, none of whom could stand up to them. The survivors of these races formed the Comitat, a body made up of many different alien species, united to stop the evil of the Okaati. They wear armor and shield their faces to show solidarity and are led by the species that was most recently struck by the Okaati. However, the most recent species were the Kiernu. Their chancellor was planning to join the Comitat but was massacred by the Cylons before he was able to do so. Adama feels guilty for this, but Jennad assures him he is not to blame. Also present is Thetis, the Okaati's former leader and mother of Parrin, who was captured by the Comitat fifteen Yahrens prior. According to her, the Okaati are not truly evil, but they began doing whatever they had to to survive after their fleet became their home. All of the Okaati that the Comitat have captured are kept as prisoners, for the Comitat refuse to execute anyone. Then, Korbok receives an urgent long-range communcation from Baltar.
Back on the Rising Star, Starbuck and several Colonial Warriors blow the airlock to the Okaati ship using cooking oil, only to face a squad of Okaati warriors. Grust saves Starbuck from being shot and Colonel Tigh surmises they are arriving at their desitnation, with scopes indicating Cylon Basestars up ahead. Baltar adresses Thane Korbok by viewscreen and congratulates him on capturing the Galactica, as well as Adama and Apollo. He proposes to slay the Okaati after they deliver the Colonial fleet to him in exchange for the Comitat handing over the Galactica to the Cylons. Korbok replies that the Comitat would not destroy the Okaati, but have them punished according to their own law. Baltar says that if they change their minds, he will be waiting for them at Gehenna Prime. Korbok is puzzled by the extend of Baltar's deception. Adama explains that Baltar and the Cylons are far more ruthless than Parrin and the Okaati could ever be. Some of the Comitat think that Baltar's offer to end the Okaati menace may be a good thing, but Apollo warns them that after they go back to their own way of living, the Cylons could come for them as well. Adama comes to the conclusion that humanity is now also eligible to join the Comitat as they too have been victimized by the Okaati. Korbok counters that by that reasoning, the Okaati also recently attacked a Cylon outpost. However, Adama explains that the assault was planned with Baltar's knowledge and that the Colonials were the most recent victims. Therefore, he claims his right to join the Comitat and become their new leader. The combined forces of the Comitat and the Galactica will bring the Okaati to heel and will defeat the Cylons.
- Colonial Warriors
- Commander Adama
- Colonel Tigh
- Captain Apollo
- Lieutenant Athena
- Lieutenant Boomer
- Lieutenant Starbuck
- Lieutenant Sheba
- Ensign Greenbean
- Captain Bojay
- Flight Sergeant Jolly
- Bridge Officer Omega
- Flight Corporal Rigel
- Cassiopeia
- Parrin of the Okaati
- Grust of the Okaati
- Thane Korbok
- Thane Jennad (First Appearance)
- Thetis (First Appearance)
- Count Baltar
- Lucifer
- Cylons
- The Stoquah (First Appearance)
- The Akabolans (First Appearance)
- The Zarai (First Appearance)
- The Kiernu (mentioned only)
- The Emphyrean Expance
- The Narrows
- Gehenna Prime
- Nebula
- Cylon Forward Supply Dump (mentioned)
- Caprica (shown in flashback)
- Battlestar Galactica
- Rising Star
- Mineral Ships
- Celestra
- Gemonese Freighters (mentioned)
- Colonial Movers Tug (mentioned)
- Agroship (mentioned)
- Celestra
- Colonial Vipers
- Cylon Basestar
- Tylium Tankers
- Cylon Basestar
- Okaati Harvesters
- Comitat Frigate
- Comitat Bladeships (mentioned)
- Tylium (mentioned)
- Ambrosia
Behind the Scenes[]
- Coming Soon
External links[]