Battlestar Galactica Vol.3 #5 is a comic published by Dynamite Entertainment.
- "The combined forces of the Colonial Warriors and the Cylon Raiders fend off Count Iblis' fiendish armada. But Iblis is determined to have his vengeance against the enigmatic Seraphs, even if he has to sacrifice every living soul on the fleet to do it! As the battle reaches its epic conclusion, the Galactica embarks in a surprising new direction!"
- —Official synopsis
The Meclon Raiders are focused on attacking the Ship of Lights, making it easy for the Colonial Vipers and Cylon Raiders to pick them off one by one. When the Meclon's begin doing suicide runs, the debris of their exploding ships hits the Galactica and everyone aboard feels the impact. On the bridge, Apollo now realizes that his father is not himself. He sees Adama as a distorted combination of himself and Count Iblis and points his laser pistol at it. But Tigh is unable to see through the demon's disguise and tells Apollo to stand down. Apollo tells Tigh that Iblis is posessing his father somehow. 'Adama' warns him that if he shoots his pistol, he will kill his father. Apollo thinks his father would rather die than be controlled by some demon, but Tigh orders Apollo to be escorted off the bridge and takes his weapon from him. As he is forced to leave, Apollo reaches out to his father in his mind. Iblis refuses to let Adama go until a blinding ray of light hits him. Adama collapses and Apollo runs back to his father, who assures him that Iblis is gone.
In space, the Colonial Warriors are afraid the Ship of Light will not last much longer. Then the ship starts to broadcast it's earsplitting sound, causing many of the pilots to pass out. On the Galactica's Bridge, Rigel reports strange energy signals radiating from the Seraph vessell. Starbuck concludes that the ship is collapsing in on itself and pulling the darkness into it. Lucifer notes that the Meclons are being drwan into the gravity field being created by teh collapse of the Seraph's ship. Several Seraph's appear on the bridge. Apollo asks them whey they came to the fight when they must have know that Iblist was trying to trap them. They reply that they wanted Iblis to be purged. They insure that Iblis is gone for now, but not far. When Adama inquires about their destroyed ship, the Seraph answer that it will show them the way out. It's destruction punched a hole back to the Colonial's original galaxy. All Vipers and Raiders are deployed to guide every ship in the bleet back to where they came from. Baltar says he can't leave his congregation on the planet behind, but he Seraph tell him the people on that world are being attended to at this very moment. The fleet resumes it search for Earth, but this time together with the Seraphs and the Cylons as their allies.
Count Iblis is alone on the planet surrounded by wrecked spaceships. He calls down lightning from the sky to ressurect the bones of his people from the first crashed ship. He tells them to serve him in their day of reckoning. Now is the time for them to seek revenge against those who exiled them. According to Iblis, the Serpahs have shown their weakness by joining up with the humans. Iblis sheds his human disguise and shows his true, demonic face. He orders the dead ships orbiting the world to be ignited again and form a fleet that will chase the Galactica down and bring it to ruination. He himself takes command of a ship piloted by Meclon Warriors.
- Colonial Warriors
- Commander Adama
- Colonel Tigh
- Captain Apollo
- Lieutenant Starbuck
- Lieutenant Sheba
- Flight Sergeant Jolly
- Flight Officer Rigel
- Dr. Salik
- Nurse Cassiopeia
- Boxey
- The Quorum of Twelve
- Baltar
- Lucifer
- Cylons
- Meclons
- Count Iblis
- Seraphs
- Black Hole (mentioned)
- Muffit II
- Battlestar Galactica
- Vipers
- Cylon Basestar
- Cylon Raiders
- Meclon Raiders
- Ship of Light
Behind the Scenes[]
- Coming Soon
- In the double page spread, when Lucifer talks about the Seraphs, it is misspelled 'Serpah's'.
External links[]