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Battlestar Galactica Wiki

Battlestar Galactica: Six Issue #3 is an issue of Battlestar Galactica: Six.


Eve runs around the streets of Luminere as news broadcasts warn the public of an escaped mental patient from Davenport Institution. Even runs over the road to flee from a police car and is struck by a civilian driver. Only moderately injured, she gets up and continues to run, and hides in a storm drain.

Eve has another flashback where she is a red-haired maternity nurse in Illumini on Gemenon. Though she loves her job, she harbours a depression over her own lack of children. She and her partner, Ford, had tried for several years to start a family, but kept failing due to a genetic abnormality on her part, where a particular enzyme was not being produced.

Back on Leonis, Eve bangs on the Dr. Reindon's door as he is in a call with Lydia, where he considers Tommy's unusual presence in the showers to be a cause for Eve's outburst. Reindon tells Eve that Dr. Harper has been taken to a hospital, while Tommy is dead. Eve insists he tried to rape her in the show, and that she escaped because she believes no one would trust a patient's word.

While having a bath, Eve thinks back to the Gemenese, Mary. She is on vacation with Ford, sailing on a boat in the ocean. Mary apologises for her failure to have children, and jumps into the water with an anchor to kill herself. Ford jumps in after her, but she dies. Mary wakes up in a resurrection tank on a Cylon Basestar, surrounded by a One, a Two, a Three, a Four, a Five and a Six. As a Sleeper Agent, Mary doe not understand what is happening and has to be calmed down by a Number Three. The Number Five is annoyed by Mary's confused state, and considers needlessly dramatic resurrection experiences to be typical of Sixes.

Back on Leonis, Eve has a cup of coffee after her bath and talks more with Dr. Reindon. The two start having sex, with Eve finally feeling something besides emptiness after realising her own nature as a Cylon.


  • Eve
  • Mary
  • Ford
  • Dr. Edmund Reindon
  • Lydia (off-screen)
  • Tommy (mentioned-only)
  • Number One
  • Number Two
  • Number Three
  • Number Four
  • Number Five
  • Number Six

