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Battlestar Galactica Wiki

Battlestar Galactica: Cylon War #4 is an issue of Battlestar Galactica: Cylon War.


In response to the Cylon uprising, the colonial powers of Aerelon; Aquaria; Canceron; Caprica; Gemenon; Leonis; Libris; Picon; Sagittaron; Scorpia; Tauron and Virgon unite in a military alliance. Over the next twelve years of warfare, the twelve are all facing their own problems. Aquaria can barely support its people with so much military investiture, while Libris is recovering from an attack.

The robots in the past twelve years have also evolved. Now known as "Cylons", they have developed their own strike craft to counter the Vipers. The newly formed Colonial Fleet has begun designing low-tech warships to avoid the Cylon hacking methods. Among the first in the Battlestar class of warship, Galactica, which leads in the charge in a new offensive against the Cylon. Though these Battlestars are successful, the Cylons have begun strip-mining distant planets for raw materials and their military capacity is ever increasing. Admiral Tanner concludes that the only way to win the war is to take out the Cylon mining capabilities rather than its military.

Admiral Tanner takes command of Galactica and begins preparation for the assault with the Battlestar Mercury, commanded by Hamilton. The Battlestars jump into the target area and engage the Cylon defences. A Cylon fleet of newly built Basestars confronts the Colonials. Tanner suspects Izak is onboard one of the ships, and offers a truce, which Izak accepts. The Colonial military leaders are approached with an armistice agreement with the Cylons, but suspect it is a trick. Ultimately they accept and the Cimtar Peace Accords are signed. Decades later, the Colonial Fleet detects the Cylon Colony on the other side of the Armistice Line, suspecting it to be a military base. The Battlestar Valkyrie is sent out to investigate, and a stealth ship is destroyed by Cylon forces over the line.

Returning to the Fall of the Twelve Colonies, Izak leads the Cylon ground forces on Caprica. Tanner offers a ceasefire to negotiate, but is killed by Izak instead.


