Battlestar Galactica Wiki
Battlestar Galactica Wiki
Battlestar Galactica 2004 Continuity
Battlestar Galactica 2004, Caprica and Blood & Chrome

"The Ice Colony" Aquaria, also known as Aquarion is a planet in the Cyrannus Star System, and one of the Twelve Colonies of Kobol, orbiting Helios Delta. It is named after the Aquarius tribe who resided on Kobol, though its citizens may not have been affiliated with that tribe. A sparsely-populated planet, in the 20th century, Aquaria's population was estimated at only 25,000, though travellers and tourists could swell this number twenty-fold. There was no capital city, though Heim is the largest settlement. Both Aquaria and Canceron share an orbit with the gas giant Hestia, and are placed at the L4 and L5 lagrange points, respectively.


Aquaria was one of the latest of the Twelve Worlds to be settled, if not the last. Unlike worlds such as Caprica, which were settled as colonies from the start, Aquaria was a scientific research outpost which overtime developed into a colony. Unlike the Virgons, who were a pre-existing group that settled on planets, Aquaria's population largely consisted of migrants from other colonies who sought to live in peace and quiet.

Aquaria's political system was based on a direct democracy system, whereby all Aquarians had the right to vote on community matters, rather than electing a representative, and could even elect a Prime Minister based on a popular two-third majority vote.


Aquaria is a very cold planet with an icy ocean covering most of the surface. The only major landmass, Kyrios, is a crescent-shaped continent with volcanoes at both ends.


- In the previous iteration of the system map created for Season 1, Aquaria; Caprica, and Virgon shared an orbit around the sun, with Aquaria and Virgon at Caprica's L4 and L5 Lagrange points.

- Aquaria's Kyros Summerfest is nearly Identical to the Swedish Sommarfest in activities and name, potentially signifying the colony as the roots of Swedish culture.



  1. Battlestar Galactica 2004, licensed product: "Battlestar Galactica Map of The 12 Colonies".
United Colonies of Kobol
Helios Alpha Icarus · Picon · Caprica · Gemenon · Tauron (Minos) · Zeus (Hebe · Nike)
Helios Beta Troy · Pallas · Leonis · Virgon (Hibernia) · Ouranos asteroid belt · Pallas · Hera (Euboea · Iris)
Helios Gamma Thanatos · Acheron asteroid belt · Ophion · Libran (Pandrossos · Herse) · Scorpia (Scorpion Fleet Shipyards) · Sagittaron
Helios Delta Phoebe · Aeolus asteroid belt · Aerilon · Canceron · Hestia (Kronos · Rhea) · Aquaria · Styx
Other Planets Djerba · Ragnar (Sigurd) · Marathon · "Ambrosia Planet"